August to September 2019 [Website version]
We have now collated and begun to review our appointments patient survey results as part of the Practice review of the appointments system. This information has been discussed and will be reviewed as part of the next working group review. For more information please look at the Projects page.
Please click the link to view the full results.
Main issues raised are:
- online appointments available online which appears to have got worse since we have been releasing appointments 7 days in advance to reduce DNAs – We will now review this process and see how we can improve
- Customer service of reception staff – We have purchased a training module for all our receptionists called – Practice Index -Reception Masterclass. It is 8 hours of training and staff will be given time off to complete this over the next 6 months. We hope to get better reviews in future.
- Appointments available – Despite being one of the highest providers of appointments in Islington ( data collated by CCG and averaging 105 per 1000 patients a week) we continue to have patients unable to get an appointment when they need it – We are again working to improve communication with patients to understand our processes for appointments and also planning to begin a list of patients unable to get an appointment via reception team so that we are able to understand why these patients cant get an appointment and how we can fit them in. We ask that patients understand that often we cannot give an appointment at specific times and instead will introduce a policy of offering 2 options for patients to choose from.
Please continue to feedback to us and so that we can continually review our processes. Please also note that we offer a Patient Advice and Liaison Service should you wish to discuss any issues in more detail.
Anastasia Remos
Practice Manager